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HANSA 11-2019

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LNG-Neubau Atair | Europort | MPP-Report | Finanzierung Asien und U.K. | Start-Ups | Makler & Agenturen | MARINTEC 2019 | Maritime Silk Road | 23. HANSA-Forum


Hansa-Special-Marintec 2019 HANSA TECH-HUB PALFINGER Automated hull coating – the eco future in dry docks With an automated surface preparation and coating, Hubert Palfinger Technologies is offering an innovative, reliable and cost-effective shipping repair and maintenance solution for ship hulls. This increasingly popular overhaul offers an exact and even paint scheme and thus a lower paint consumption and finally reduced fuel consumption of the ship in operation. With the automated application of Hubert Palfinger’s Hull Treatment Carier (HTC) and it’s consistency in layer thickness, it is possible to even apply a high performance product (e.g. NEX- US silicone paint) in only three layers, including corrosion protection. By reducing the number of layers as well as the layer thickness, savings in working hours and material consumption of up to 500,000 $ per full coating are possible. Apart from quality advantages and with regard to the environment, a significant reduction of VOC emissions dust and paint pollution can be achieved. GOODFUELS Boskalis dredger to run on 100 % bio-fuel Royal Boskalis Westminster and biofuels supplier GoodFuels are set to take the next key step in the »Boskalis on Bio« programme for the testing of sustainable bio-fuel oil. Following earlier successful tests with »drop-in« blends of light biofuel and marine gas oil, Boskalis’ dredging vessel »Willem van Oranje« will be the first ship of this type in the world to operate on 100 % bio-fuel oil. The sulphur-free sustainable residual fuel consists wholly of used cooking oil and contains no fossil fuels. This allows a substantial carbon reduction of 90 % thereby contributing to a reduction of the company’s carbon footprint. This world first is the result of the »Boskalis on Bio« pilot programme that was launched in 2015 in cooperation with Finnish engine maker Wärtsilä and GoodFuels. With this programme Boskalis aims to realize a substantial reduction in carbon emissions from both vessels as qwell as dry earthmoving equipment and trucks. Since the launch of the programme Boskalis has successfully used various biofuel blends on both dredging and offshore installation vessels and on dry earthmoving equipment. • Drahtseile • Tauwerk • Festmacher • CASAR Bordkranseile • Anschlagmittel • Prüflasttest bis 1.000 t • Segelmacherei • Taklerei • Montage R.T.S. ROCHEM ® Technical Services GmbH MODULE AND MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY Leistungsfähige und wirtschaftliche Lösungen für: • Erzeugung von Trinkwasser mit Umkehrosmose Walter Hering KG Porgesring 25 22113 Hamburg Telefon: 040 – 73 61 72 -0 eMail: RTS ROCHEM® Umkehrosmose Trinkwassererzeuger • Aufbereitung von Grau- und Schwarzwasser gemäß IMO Resolution MEPC.227(64), inkl. Special Area RTS ROCHEM®-BioFilt Membran Bio-Reaktoren R.T.S. ROCHEM ® Technical Services GmbH • Stenzelring 11 • D-21107 Hamburg Tel. +49(0)403197555-0 • Fax +49(0)403197555-29 • • 18 Hansa-Special | Marintec 2019

汉 莎 中 国 特 刊 MAN AND KONGSBERG Major players collaborate on common data infrastructure CLASSNK AIP for Wind Challenger hard-sail system ClassNK has granted an Approval in Principle (AIP) based on its »Guidelines for Wind-Assisted Propulsion Systems for Ships« and related regulations for the basic design of a hard sail system, which converts wind energy to propulsive force with a telescopic hard sail, and is a fundamental technology of the Wind Challenger Project MOL and Oshima Shipbuilding are spearheading. Both companies have announced to move ahead with a joint study on the installation of the system on a coal carrier. MAN Energy Solutions and KONGSBERG, the international technology group, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the exploration of the potential for collaboration on a common data infrastructure for the maritime sector. The collaboration will broaden the value offering to vessel operators, improve the return on investment in digital solutions, and increase the adoption of secure connectivity. Under the MoU, MAN Energy Solutions is set to investigate the possibility of using Kongsberg Digital’s data-infrastructure solution, Vessel Insight, to securely collect and transmit data using MAN Energy Solution’s digital platform, MAN CEON. A successful trial would allow MAN Energy Solutions to use advanced services such as PrimeServ Assist, its remote monitoring and optimisation package, to better serve customers. The collaboration aims to solve a key challenge for the broader adoption of digital solutions: the high cost of capturing quality data from the vessels, which leaves vessel owners and operators with an unattractive ROI on their digital investments. This could help accelerate the maritime transformation. WORLDWIDE SHIPYARDS 2020 handbook Order your advert 2020 www.EQUIP 4 www.SHIP 2 Order online: ship2yard. com/ ad Hansa-Special | Marintec 2019 19

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