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HANSA 11-2019

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LNG-Neubau Atair | Europort | MPP-Report | Finanzierung Asien und U.K. | Start-Ups | Makler & Agenturen | MARINTEC 2019 | Maritime Silk Road | 23. HANSA-Forum

HANSA-SPECIAL | MARINTEC 2019 German Pavilion Marintec ’19 Shanghai GERMAN PAVILION N2B8A 144 SQM MARINTEC '19 SHANGHAI 4400 8,5 8,5 10 N2B5A 308 SQM 400 300 600 300 600 300 700 400 700 300 600 300 600 AREAS: 83 EXHIBITORS 5 EXHIBITORS - RAW SPACE INFORMATION STAND TOTAL 1.486,0 SQM 273,0 SQM 78,5 SQM 1.837,5 SQM N2B7A-07 ZF 51 SQM - RAW SPACE - 8,5 N2B7A 264 SQM N2B6A-06 HUG 51 SQM - RAW SPACE - 9 12 3 N2B6A 264 SQM N2B5A-07 SCHOTTEL 52 SQM - RAW SPACE - 8,5 10 N2B4A-07 SKF 70 SQM - RAW SPACE - 1100 1000 10 N2B4A 308 SQM 8,5 N2B3A-07 RENK 51 SQM - RAW SPACE - 8,5 N2B3A 264 SQM N2B2A-10 KAESER 48 SQM N2B6A-07 CENTA 9 SQM N2B2A-11 ACO 9 SQM 10 N2B5A-06 MAHLE 20 SQM N2B3A-06 STAUFF 18 SQM N2B2A-09 NOVA 15 SQM N2B7A-06 GEA 51 SQM 8,5 N2B4A-08 MSS 15 SQM N2B6A-05 BITZER 36 SQM N2B4A-06 HEINZMANN 36 SQM N2B4A-09 AQUATHERM 18 SQM N2B6A-10 BARIGO 9 SQM N2B6A-04 HSVA 9 SQM N2B5A-10 EBRO 12 SQM N2B5A-03 A.KESSLER 40 SQM 9 4,5 6,5 4 3,5 6 5 6 9 N2B2A-12 AVAT 9 SQM N2B6A-08 SICK 24 SQM N2B5A-05 DR.E.HORN 16 SQM 3 3 3 5 N2B2A-13 BESI 9 SQM N2B2A-08 STUCKE 15 SQM N2B7A-05 SAACKE 57 SQM N2B6A-09 DEHONIT 9 SQM N2B5A-09 LIEBHERR 21 SQM N2B5A-04 WILDAUER 16 SQM N2B2A-14 WEPUKO PAHNKE 15 SQM N2B2A-07 ROSE 9 SQM N2B4A-05 TECHNOLOG 18 SQM N2B4A-10 KRACHT 12 SQM N2B3A-10 PFLEIDERER 30 SQM N2B2A-15 ENSEPATEC 12 SQM N2B2A-06 SCHAAF 12 SQM N2B6A-11 ETA 9 SQM N2B6A-03 WEMPE 12 SQM 5 5 3 4 3 3 N2B2A 264 SQM 400 4400 10 N2B4A-04 HEROSE 16 SQM N2B7A-08 EIBACH 9 SQM N2B3A-03 HEICO 18 SQM N2B2A-05 TORBO 9 SQM N2B7A-04 ALFRA 12 SQM N2B2A-16 PHOENIX CONTACT 9 SQM N2B2A-04 KRONE 9 SQM N2B1A-03 GEBERIT 18 SQM N2B7A-09 LEISTRITZ 12 SQM N2B7A-03 GESSMANN 12 SQM N2B6A-12 HOTSTART 24 SQM N2B4A-03 SCHALLER 24 SQM 10 4 4,5 N2B1A-04 PH IND. 18 SQM 4 4 4 8 4,5 N2B6A-02 PEINER SMAG 24 SQM N2B3A-11 SANDER 12 SQM N2B2A-17 CLEEMANN 15 SQM N2B5A-02 EXMAR 16 SQM N2B4A-12 BECKER 36 SQM N2B3A-02 MINIMAX 15 SQM N2B5A-12 SIKA 9 SQM 12 N2B2A-03 PESCH 12 SQM N2B1A-02 KELVION 18 SQM N2B3A-12 LEONI 12 SQM N2B4A-02 PLEIGER 26 SQM N2B2A-18 DVZ 15 SQM N2B2A-02 TRAFAG 9 SQM N2B1A-01 BD SENSORS 18 SQM N2B7A-01 TGE 21 SQM N2B6A-01 RAYTHEON 24 SQM N2B5A-13 FALCH 24 SQM N2B5A-01 WUXI 34 SQM N2B7A-11 WISKA 18 SQM N2B6A-13 NORIS 24 SQM N2B3A-13 HOPPE 21 SQM N2B3A-01 REINTJES 27 SQM 4 3 6 4,5 N2B7A-02 MMG 9 SQM 3 7 3 3 3 3 8 8 4,5 8,5 N2B4A-13 KS 14 SQM N2B2A-19 WIELAND 15 SQM N2B2A-01 MÄRK. WERK 18 SQM 3,5 3,5 N2A2A-03 BRONESKE 9 SQM N2A2A-02 WTSH 6 SQM 4 6,5 N2B3A-08 N2B3A-09 DRAHTSEIL- HEW- WERK -KABEL 12 SQM 19,5 SQM N2B3A-04 NEUEN- HAUSER 18 SQM N2B5A-11 HANSA- -FLEX 18 SQM N2B5A-08 HAMMEL- MANN 30 SQM N2B3A-05 SCHOEN- ROCK 10,5 SQM N2B4A-01 JÜRGEN- SEN 14 SQM N2B7A-10 SCHUENE- MANN 12 SQM N2B4A-11 UEBER- ALL 9 SQM N2A2A-01 BUNDES INFORMATIONS- STAND 78,5 SQM 8,5 N2A2A 93,5 SQM 400 850 11 1800 AUSSTELLERINFOPLAN AUFPLANUNG SC. 1:270 (A3) 11.09.2019 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 8 8 3 5 5 8 4 6 7 4 5 6 9 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 6 4 4 3 4 4 5 8 8 4 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 1484z300 Radtke Collenbachstrasse Kloft Architektenpartnerschaft 126 · 40476 Düsseldorf · Germany Collenbachstrasse Tel +49 211 – 23 126 60 · 40476 61 · Fax Düsseldorf + 49 211 · Germany – 23 60 63 Tel +49 211– 23 60 61 · Fax + 49 211– 23 60 63 · · 3.02 12 Hansa-Special | Marintec 2019

汉 莎 中 国 特 刊 ANZEIGE AUTOMATED HULL TREATMENT THE ECO-FUTURE IN DRY DOCKS Automated hull coating HIGH EFFICIENCY - LOW COSTS The part of the docking which is technically often known as „Blast ’n Paint“ has long been an unloved and time-consuming secondary work in the ship repair process. It remained often unconsidered that more than three quarter of the ship resistance result from the surface friction of the ship hull and that this is one of the main drivers of performance optimization. Today Ship owners and management companies focus more and more on a perfect quality of the wetted surface. While in the past, spot blast projects have been the major part in the repair and maintenance sector, we now are seeing more and more shipping companies have scheduled their fleet for a first dry dock overhaul with all class works and a complete removal of the hull coating. With an automated surface preparation and coating, an exact and even paint scheme can be realized, in contrast to the manual process. The outcome are a lower paint consumption as well as reduced surface roughness of the anti-fouling (usually measured in AHR), which finally results in reduced fuel consumption of the ship in operation. The so-called roughness value, measured as Average Hull Roughness (AHR), assesses the structure of the coated surface. While values of approximately 200 μm to 300 μm are common for standard repair procedures, values of less than 50 μm were achieved with the ship, that last has been handled with the Hull Treat Carrier of Hubert Palfinger Technologies GmbH in Singapore. According to academic studies by TOWNSIN, an AHR of 50 μm in surface roughness should result in a reduction of the ship resistance and thus in fuel consumption of about 2 %. With the automated application of the HTC and it’s consistency in layer thickness, it will be possible to even apply a high performance product as the recently processed NEXUS silicone paint in not more than three layers, including corrosion protection. By reducing the number of layers as well as the layer thickness itself, savings in working hours and material consumption are becoming possible, up to 500,000 US $ per full coating. Apart from the quality advantages regarding the ship coating and the related ship performance, further advantages in environmental protection and safety at work can be realized, e.g., a significant reduction of the VOC emissions or the dust and paint impact in the shipyard environment. The same applies to the ship operation, for example when looking at the CO2, SOX and NOX emissions. This is particularly important, as the shipping industry has to drastically reduce the CO2 emissions until 2020 (current Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention). The optimization of the hull coating, responsible for three quarters of the overall vessel resistance, using automated hull treatment of Hubert Palfinger improve the energy efficiency and thus also fight against the air pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Request quality KPI for your hull coating project! Hubert Palfinger Technologies GmbH Hansa-Special | Marintec 2019 13

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