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HANSA 11-2019

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LNG-Neubau Atair | Europort | MPP-Report | Finanzierung Asien und U.K. | Start-Ups | Makler & Agenturen | MARINTEC 2019 | Maritime Silk Road | 23. HANSA-Forum


FINANZIERUNG | FINANCING Chinese fleet – quantity and quality side by side in cooperation with Looking at spending by Chinese Leasing companies reveals a mixed picture. While some organisations such as Bank of Communications, ICBC Financial Leasing, China Development Bank or China Merchants Bank focus primarily on second hand purchases, others like AVIC Leasing have a focus on newbuild orders. CSSC Shipping is by far the largest player in terms of portfolio (1.1 bn $) and finances only new build tonnage. The age profile of the Chinese-flagged fleet shows that the majority of vessels is relatively young, ranging between zero and 14 years, with a clear emphasis on the 5-9 years age group. The Chinese flagged fleet is dominated by bulkers in terms of number of vessels as well as in terms of value (813 ships, 7.9 bn $). Tankers come in second at 485 ships worth 5.4 bn $. Third in terms of value is the Module Carrier segment at 2.5 bn $ with only 59 ships. The 220 Chinese flagged containerships are worth 2.5 bn $ followed by the Small Dry (254 ships, 1.2 bn $) and the OSV (328 ships, 1.1 bn $) segments. It gets interesting again in the gas carrier, vehicle carrier and OCV segments that are all relatively small in terms of number of vessels but disparately valuable. Looking at trade patterns and cargos, top import ports for capesize cargos are Caofeidan, Jingtang, Rizhao, Qingdao and Ningbo. The most important capesize export region into China is by far West Coast Australia. Far behind, South America North Coast and East Coast, West and South Africa follow. Another interesting picture is revealed by a looking at the Chinese container export growth, which shows a quite steady upward trend that has picked up significantly since 2015. fs Chinese Flagged Fleet by Vessel Type (Number of Vessels) Tanker 485 MODU 59 Container 220 Small Dry 254 Chinese Flagged Fleet by Vessel Type (Total Value $ millions) Tanker .387 MODU .518 Container .480 Bulker 813 Reefer 22 OSV 328 OCV 11 LPG 82 LNG 7 Vehicle Carrier 35 Bulker .895 Reefer OSV .143 OCV 3 Small Dry .232 LNG 9 LPG 6 Vehicle Carrier 1 Chinese Flagged Fleet Age Profile .000 900 .000 800 .000 700 Total Value USD millions .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Number of Vessels Total Value USD m 600 500 400 300 Number of Vessels .000 200 .000 100 ###COLUMNCONTENT### 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 0 32 HANSA International Maritime Journal 11 | 2019

FINANZIERUNG | FINANCING 36 Chinese Container Export Growth 34 32 Cargo Quantity TEU milllions 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 01.2013 04.2013 07.2013 10.2013 01.2014 04.2014 07.2014 10.2014 01.2015 04.2015 07.2015 10.2015 01.2016 04.2016 07.2016 10.2016 01.2017 04.2017 07.2017 10.2017 01.2018 04.2018 07.2018 10.2018 01.2019 04.2019 07.2019 Spending by Chinese Leasing Companies in the past 12 Months .200 .122 .000 Total Spent USD millions 0 0 0 0 6 2 8 Second Hand Purchases Newbuild Orders 3 3 3 0 2 6 $112 $111 ###COLUMNCONTENT### Bank of Communications ICBC Financial Leasing CSSC Shipping China Development Bank Minsheng Financial Leasing China Merchants Bank AVIC Leasing China Minsheng Trust CSIC Leasing China Huarong Financial 100 Top Chinese Capesize Imports so far in 2019 Cargo Quantity MT millions 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Caofeidian Jingtang Rizhao Qingdao Ningbo 600 Top Capesize Export Regions in to China so far in 2019 500 Cargo Quantity MT millions 400 300 200 100 0 West Coast Australia South America North Coast South America East Coast West Africa South Africa HANSA International Maritime Journal 11 | 2019 33

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