Tech-Hub HANSA TECH-HUB FINNLINES Order of two ro-pax vessels After the order of three hybrid sto/ro ultra large green vessels at Jinling Shipyard back in 2018, Finnlines recently signed an order for two ro-pax vessels from China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (Weihai), previously known as AVIC Weihai. Today, both shipyards are part of China Merchants Group. Called the Superstar ro-pax vessels, they are expected to be delivered by 2023. They will be larger than the existing Star class vessels and will be Finnlines’ flagships both in terms of size and technology. With a length of about 230 m, their loading capacity will be for 5,100 lane metres for rolling freight and around 1,100 passengers. The Superstar ro-pax vessel is designed to have many types of seating and public areas, plenty of outdoor areas to admire the Archipelago scenery and adequate premises to serve different kinds of groups. Heart of the vessel will be the shopping area to enhance onboard travel experience. RIVERTRACE DNV GL certifies exhaust scrubber washwater monitor Rivertrace has received a statement of compliance from DNV GL for its exhaust scrubber washwater monitor Smart Esm. This washwater monitor measures and records the regulated water quality parameters PAH, turbidity, temperature and pH, on open-loop, closed-loop and hybrid scrubber systems. The system enables ship operators to monitor washwater water quality parameters in real time at both the inlet and outlet, supporting continuous compliance within IMO washwater discharge limits. The DNV GL statement of compliance certifies that the monitoring system operates with an acceptable accuracy for the measurement of PAH, turbidity, pH and temperature within the ranges required by MEPC 259(68). The certification also gives the wider public assurance that ships operating scrubbers are monitoring their washwater in line with regulatory limits, ensuring that washwater constituents discharged to the ocean are within strict regulatory limits and to not damage the marine environment. Any washwater used by wet scrubber systems to remove pollutants from exhaust gas must be monitored. • Drahtseile • Tauwerk • Festmacher • CASAR Bordkranseile • Anschlagmittel • Prüflasttest bis 1.000 t • Segelmacherei • Taklerei • Montage Walter Hering KG Porgesring 25 22113 Hamburg Telefon: 040 – 73 61 72 -0 eMail: ZEPPELIN Expansion to Northern Europe The Zeppelin Group continues to expand, and is developing its partnership with Caterpillar. Zeppelin has also taken over the distribution and service of machines and components by the US American construction machine manufacturer Caterpillar in Sweden, Denmark and Greenland. The portfolio also includes drive, propulsion, traction, and energy systems, as well as machine and equipment rental. For the engine brand MaK, in addition to Sweden, Denmark and Greenland, the Zeppelin Group is also taking over distribution and service for engines and energy generators in the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands. The transaction has been approved by the European supervisory authorities. 44 HANSA International Maritime Journal 02 | 2020
Tech-Hub ALFA LAVAL | SAFE BULKERS Extension of partnership In June 2018, Greek dry bulk operator Safe Bulkers has selected Alfa Laval to retrofit 20 of its vessels with Alfa Laval PureSOx scrubber systems for exhaust gas cleaning. The company has now gone on to sign a longterm Alfa Laval Service Agreement, which will safeguard compliance through connectivity and more. Safe Bulkers ordered PureSOx retrofits for twelve Post-Panamax vessels, six Kamsarmax vessels and two Capesize vessels, with deliveries running until March 2020. Almost 15 of those systems, which comprise open-loop scrubbers configured for multiple inlet sources, have now been installed at Cosco retrofit yards with engineering design of Alpha Marine. Throughout the process, Alfa Laval has partnered closely with the yards, providing support through locally based project managers with strong backing from PureSOx product centre in Nijmegen, Netherlands. DSME First contract for LNG boxer The Korean shipyard group DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering) has secured an order for six large container ships with LNG propulsion. It is still unclear who is behind this. According to a stock exchange announcement, the South Korean shipyard group DSME is building container ships with dual-fuel propulsion for the first time. According to an announcement, an order for six large ULCVs with a capacity of 15,000 TEU each has been received. They will also be able to run on LNG. The newbuildings are scheduled for delivery by October 2022. Value of the order: 771 mill. $. The company did not disclose any further details. According to some market rumors, MSC, as the number two in global liner shipping, could be behind the order. However, official confirmation is still pending. It could therefore be options related to previous orders. Other sources speak of a shipping company based in Asia. Among the leading liner shipping companies, only the French operator CMA CGM has so far ordered new LNG vessels with capacities of 15,000 TEU and 23,000 TEU; they will be built in China at Hudong Zhonghua and Jiangnan. The German shipping line Hapag-Lloyd has so-called »LNG-ready« ships from the takeover of UASC. DSME would be only the fourth shipyard worldwide to receive orders for new LNG vessels. In addition to the two Chinese companies, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) is also building corresponding ships. In October 2019, MSC ordered five conventionally operated ULCVs from Daewoo, which will be equipped with scrubbers. WÄRTSILÄ Start for LNG bunker simulator Wärtsilä has launched its new LNG Bunkering & Supply System simulator. It should promote greater safety onboard LNG fuelled vessels by improving the level of training for operators of LNG systems. The design is based on the Wärtsilä LNGPac and Gas Valve Unit (GVU) technologies, and includes all auxiliary systems used in connection with the fuel supply. According to the company, the design is also in accordance with the STCW requirements for training seafarers onboard gas fuelled ships to standards demanded by the IGF Code – the international code of safety. The scope of simulation includes all operations related to the use of LNG fuel, from bunkering to gas fuel supply and engine operations, as well as troubleshooting. It provides realistic representation of the user interface for remote and local operating posts, as well as animated 3D visualisation to facilitate situational awareness training. A ready to use set of scenarios for tutorials and assessments is available as an additional option. HANSA International Maritime Journal 02 | 2020 45
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